Instead of a baby, we opted for another project of sorts, a house. Our first house. Before taking a leap of faith and buying a 1955 home, just ask yourself: Do I have hours on end to tackle the most mundane projects I do not want to pay someone else to do? Do I have the money to double my original $20,000 remodeling budget and not have a heart attack? Do I want to spend the next ____ months finding more reasons to visit Home Depot every day? Do I want to sacrifice my love of traveling for the next year+? If you find yourself feeling excited and wide-eyed answering these questions, you are the perfect person to invest in a remodel! I was pretty sure I was not that person to begin with, and now I'm very sure. However, I am neck-deep in it! Let's just start with the befores.
We have been waiting a long time to do this! |
I know what you're thinking: Why would you want to change that awesome bathroom? |
Or this tone-on-tone-on-tone seafoam jewel? |
This gigantic "bedroom" had a door to the kitchen and to the hallway. |
One plus: double closets in the master bedroom. |
Yes, there are 32 cabinet doors and 8 drawers, complete with wood paneling back splash and counter top. |
This house met all of our criteria (how exactly, I don't know!). Considering there was nothing actually
wrong with the house, I guess I could have moved my stuff in and lived with it. But that's not like me at all. I said, "All we have to do is change the bathrooms, update the kitchen, refinish the floors, and change the outside!" With my library full of 1,000 decorating favorites, I was ready to design! Excitement and hope bloomed in my insides, and I had no idea what was going to follow. I will just let the love of all things oak and teal/pink settle on you for a little while before unveiling the afters!
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