Yes, something else to add to my list of wants. I have a bad case of the wants--actually, I've
had the wants for a long while now. In fact, I sound much like a five year old describing her Christmas wish list, but add 20 years and make it an I-want-it-now-even-though-there-is-no-special-occasion pouty face and bad attitude. Somewhere, somehow, I developed this idea that I should be just as accomplished and have all the haves that the adults in my life already enjoy (i.e. my parents or other 40+ year olds). Where did this come from? Well, it's time for the big girl pants because I am quickly realizing I am the poster child for impatience. I once wanted (and mostly got) the shoes, the makeup, the clothes, then for a while it was the dinnerware pattern, the small kitchen appliances, the flatware set. Later it was the house, the doors, the granite, the tile, the shutters. I have since graduated to the things that fit inside my house: rugs, lamps, pillows, linens, side tables, headboards.
Surprisingly, there is only one more piece officially missing from my home. It's a kitchen table. Thanks to
craigslist, I have the beginning of the table. (yea!)
Soon it will be topped with some sort of round table, preferably with a dark stain. Unofficially, I have like 15 more house wants. Enjoy my recent faves while I work on becoming a better person who is not so materialistic.
two of these |
with this sofa |
and this painting |
a guest room with matching twin beds |
darling side tables |
and even more darling ruffled bedskirts |
with sweet pillows |
and fresh flowers |
a climbing rose vine |
and lush window boxes |
this room, minus the child, ANYWHERE in my house |
throw in a two week trip to Italy |
and a presh presh puppy!!!!!!!!!!!! |
And then I would be the happiest of happy until I found something else new to want.
PS, if I had more than one person read this blog, I may be inclined to do a better job crediting all of these *borrowed* photos.
BAHAHAHA! "Enjoy my recent faves while I work on becoming a better person who is not so materialistic." I actually laughed out loud :) I think I found my next blog post topic! See you in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!