Apr 14, 2012

Cinnamon and Sugar Makes Everything Better

After a busy week of baseball, Chick-fil-A Spirit night, and hosting a dinner for family, I found myself searching for something sweet and puffy.  Enter, Spoapilla Cheesecake.  For breakfast.  Yum.  I had to read all of the edits and extra suggestions after reading the author's comment, There's no way you can pass this recipe as healthy, but this at least helps. :)  Well, my mind was already made up that this was what we were having for breakfast, so no turning back.  I made some edits to the halved recipe (in italics), and no, it is not healthy in the vegan/paelo/whole foods sense, but it's certainly an indulgence that is fine for once in a while!

Photo borrowed from My Yellow Umbrella
-1 can reduced fat Pillsbury butter crescent rolls
-4 oz. packages fat free cream cheese (softened)
-1/4 c. Greek yogurt, vanilla flavor
-1 cup sugar 
-1/4 c. light agave nectar
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-1/4 cup butter (melted)
-Cinnamon & sugar/Splenda mix

Unroll and spread half can crescent rolls on bottom of un-greased pan lined with parchment paper. Combine softened cream cheese, agave nectar, and vanilla with a little cinnamon. Spread mixture over crescent rolls. Unroll and spread remaining crescent rolls over mixture. Spread melted butter over the top and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

I think the Greek yogurt tastes so much like cream cheese anyway, and the agave nectar also helps make the filling much easier to stir.  Next time I might add the egg to make it more fluffy and stuck together, but it will have to be this summer because we ate the whole pan!


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