Mostly on accident, I have not posted in six weeks. Life got in the way, so here is the month all wrapped up!

A: All the trees finally changed to their beautiful autumn hues, along with the cool weather.
B: I turned 27, which was easier than I thought.
C: Holiday snowflakes, greenery, twinkle lights, and Christmas trees fill the villages.
C: Holiday snowflakes, greenery, twinkle lights, and Christmas trees fill the villages.
D:We practiced parenting...
E: I spent Thanksgiving with the seven people I knew and 32 of my husband's aunt's in-laws. Whew.
F: Paper whites--now they have tripled in height!
G: Margaret helped me string snowflakes on the porch. They are hard to see, but in person it is magical.
H: I am no good at horseshoes, but it certainly passes the time out on the farm.
I: Our quadruple layers got us through the Iron Bowl this year.
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