I spent half of Christmas in Houston with my family, and half with Philip's.
The best part is always seeing everyone's faces when they open their gifts. My mom always makes it a point to give us pajamas on Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve Eve in this case). It's hard to tell in this picture, but I am holding up Princess Kate replica earrings. I even had time to learn how to use my mom's super big, super new embroidery machine, and finally monogram my hemstitch dinner napkins that was a wedding gift from a year and a half ago!!
Back at home, we had an eventful Christmas morning that was 18million times better than our first (a story for another time). My mom gave Massey a tiny frog toy without any stuffing in it, and he is obsessed with trying to make it squeak.
We got Houston Lottery scratch offs as stocking stuffers, and we won $16! So fun!

We spent the rest of the day at Philip's parents' house, and had a great time eating too much food and visiting family.